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Ampersand Artful

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

hiya, #ADORABLE! lt's TUTORIAL TIME, let's start piling up those Bakes-On-Mesh layers!

I'll be covering how to use Bakes-On-Mesh with Genus, Catwa & Lelutka heads, and Legacy, Slink & Maitreya bodies.

this is part two in my series about Bakes-On-Mesh (BOM), read the first part here to learn more about what Bakes-On-Mesh is and what it is capable of. 

if after following this tutorial you still are having problems or need help, please contact ampersand artful here.

since this post is in regards to a relatively new feature, all information listed below is subject to edits and updates.


before you can get started, you need to have a few things first:

1. a Bakes-On-Mesh enabled viewer. you can download the newest version of Second Life viewer here, and the Firestorm viewer here.

2. Bakes-On-Mesh compatible mesh head/body or a Bakes-On-Mesh relay. most bento mesh head & body brands have been updated to be compatible with BOM. however, if your mesh head/body hasn't been updated to accept BOM layers but is compatible with Omega, you can purchase the Omega compatible Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay here. EDIT: there is also a free version here.

3. a Bakes-On-Mesh system layer skin. BOM system layers cannot be worn on top of applier skin. if you want to use BOM system layers on your mesh, you need a BOM system layer skin. many skin designers are releasing BOM system layers with their newest releases. I got the skins I will use in this tutorial from 7 Deadly Skins (Genus), and Essences (Catwa).

4. you will also want an assortment of different alpha layers to hide parts of the system body that won't be affected by Bakes-On-Mesh. you can get a free set @ the #ADORED mainstore.


how to use the Omega Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay with Omega compatible mesh - shown with Genus:

if you would like to use the Omega Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay on a mesh body, it's the same process listed below.

firstly, Genus hasn't been updated to be compatible with BOM yet (it will be in an upcoming future update). for the time being, for any Omega compatible head/body not yet updated for BOM, you will need to use the Omega Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay (buy it here or get a free one here).

1. below is my avatar, wearing an applier skin (Amara Beauty, evelyn in beige). I am also wearing wearing a BOM system layer skin (7 Deadly Skins, zella in taupe), and the Omega Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay. see the alpha layer I am wearing? I'll be removing that soon. 

when baking layers on mesh attachments, there is no need to wear an alpha to hide your entire system avatar. alpha layers are now used to hide parts of the system avatar that haven't had their mesh counterpart baked (e.g. using a BOM system skin on your head but an applier skin for your body), or for areas you would like to be hidden on your baked mesh attachment, like your scalp or a section of your mesh body that pokes through your mesh clothing.

#1 my mesh avatar wear applier skin and a full body alpha along with a BOM layer skin

2. now remove any alphas that cover areas you would like to bake & be visible, then click the Omega Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay.

#2 remove full body alpha, click Omega Bakes on Mesh skin relay

3. you can see the 7 Deadly Skin BOM system layer skin has now applied to my Genus head! it's hard to tell by the screenshot, but since the Omega Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay doesn't work on eyes & only works on skin, universal, clothing & tattoo layers, my system eyes are poking through my mesh eyes (and also my system body is visible, but we'll get to that in the body section of the tutorial), so I am going to wear an eye only alpha layer.

#3 add an eye alpha to hide system eyes

4.1 I can remove the Omega Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay now, my face is ready to start piling up some BOM system layers! as you add tattoo or universal layers (or replace skin layers), they will appear on your mesh automatically. with the ability to apply up to 42 BOM (EDIT: 62) system layers, you can really go crazy. I am going to wear the #ADORED devilish brows & eyeshadow along with the #ADORED angel face makeup.

4.2 keep in mind, the order you apply your layers does matter, but I will show you how to change the order of your worn layers in the next step.

5.1 I've applied 6 different BOM system layers, but now I'd like to change the layer order without removing everything and starting over. I'm going to right-click my avatar > select edit outfit.

5.2 now that the edit outfit tab is open, I can hover over my BOM system layers and select the arrows that appear to move a layer up or down. whatever is at the top of the layer order list is going to appear as the top layer on the mesh head. 

as you can see, I have the band-aids at the very top of my layer order, so they appear on top of the cuts & eyeshadow on my head.

if you're having trouble with deciding how your layers should be ordered, something to keep in mind is how the elements you are applying would be layered in real life. e.g. skin is on the bottom, followed by freckles, imperfections like zits or wrinkles, eyebrows, then makeup like blush, eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. on top.

6. that's it, you are locked and loaded! pile them layers on, sweetie!

if the head you are wearing has at least 1 onion layer that accepts appliers, you can even wear applier makeups on top of your BOM system skin & makeups as well. remember, BOM system layers cannot be worn on top of applier skin.

once you have followed these steps to enable Bakes-On-Mesh, you can continue swapping skins or adding/removing BOM system layers as you please, without having to wear a BOM relay or other HUD.if at any time, you'd like to switch to wearing appliers only with your head, simply reapply an applier skin, and add your head alpha layer to hide your system head.


how to use Bakes-On-Mesh with Catwa & Lelutka heads:

to use Bakes-On-Mesh with your Catwa head, you will first need to update your head to the newest version from the Catwa redelivery terminal, then pick up the Catwa BOM relay from the the free gifts section at the Catwa mainstore.

for Lelutka heads, you will need to update your head to the newest version from the Lelutka redelivery terminal or from the settings tab of your Lelutka HUD.

1. below is my avatar, wearing an applier skin (Amara Beauty, cora in beige). I am also wearing wearing a BOM system layer skin (Essences, autumn in E6), #ADORED system eyes, and the Catwa BOM relay. see the alpha layer I am wearing? I'll be removing that soon. 

when baking layers on mesh attachments, there is no need to wear an alpha to hide your entire system avatar. alpha layers are now used to hide parts of the system avatar that haven't had their mesh counterpart baked (e.g. using a BOM system skin on your head but an applier skin for your body), or for areas you would like to be hidden on your baked mesh attachment, like your scalp or a section of your mesh body that pokes through your mesh clothing.

#1 my mesh avatar wearing applier skin, a full body alpha along with a BOM layers skin & eyes

2.1 [Catwa] remove any alphas that cover areas you would like to bake & be visible, then click the Catwa Bakes-On-Mesh relay. if you do not want to use BOM system layer eyes on your mesh eyes, simply replace the full body alpha with one that only hides the eyes.

2.2 [Lelutka] remove any alphas that cover areas you would like to bake & be visible, then click the Bakes-On-Mesh button in your Lelutka HUD. if you do not want to use BOM system layer eyes on your mesh eyes, simply replace the full body alpha with one that only hides the eyes.

3. you can see below the Essences BOM system layer skin has now applied to my Catwa head, the the #ADORED BOM system layer eyes to my Catwa eyes! my system body is still visible, but we'll get to that in the body section of the tutorial.

4.1 I can remove the Catwa Bakes-On-Mesh skin relay now, or the Lelutka HUD, my face is ready to start piling up some BOM system layers! as you add tattoo or universal layers (or replace skin layers), they will appear on your mesh automatically. with the ability to apply up to 42 BOM (EDIT: 62) system layers, you can really go crazy. I am going to wear the #ADORED devilish brows & eyeshadow along with the #ADORED angel face makeup.

4.2 keep in mind, the order you apply your layers does matter, but I will show you how to change the order of your worn layers in the next step.

5.1 I've applied 6 different BOM system layers, but now I'd like to change the layer order without removing everything and starting over. I'm going to right-click my avatar > select edit outfit.

5.2 now that the edit outfit tab is open, I can hover over my BOM system layers and select the arrows that appear to move a layer up or down. whatever is at the top of the layer order list is going to appear as the top layer on the mesh head. 

as you can see, I have the band-aids at the very top of my layer order, so they appear on top of the cuts & eyeshadow on my head.

if you're having trouble with deciding how your layers should be ordered, something to keep in mind is how the elements you are applying would be layered in real life. e.g. skin is on the bottom, followed by freckles, imperfections like zits or wrinkles, eyebrows, then makeup like blush, eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. on top.

6. that's it, you are ready to roll! pile them layers on, sweetie!

since Catwa & Lelutka heads have onion layers, you can even wear applier makeups on top of your BOM system skin & makeups as well. remember, BOM system layers cannot be worn on top of applier skin.

once you have followed these steps to enable Bakes-On-Mesh, you can continue swapping skins or adding/removing BOM system layers as you please, without having to wear a BOM relay or other HUD. if at any time, you'd like to switch to wearing appliers only with your head, simply reapply an applier skin, and add your head alpha layer to hide your system head.


how to use Bakes-On-Mesh with Legacy, Slink & Maitreya bodies:

Legacy & Slink bodies both have been updated with built in BOM support, but the process for applying BOM layers is a little different for each. make sure to get the newest version of each body from the redelivery terminals at the Legacy & Slink mainstores. Maitreya requires a BOM relay, free & available here.

1. below is my avatar, wearing an applier skin (Amara Beauty, cora in beige). I am also wearing a BOM system layer skin (Essences, autumn in E6). see the alpha layer I am wearing? I'll be removing that soon. 

when baking layers on mesh attachments, there is no need to wear an alpha to hide your entire system avatar. alpha layers are now used to hide parts of the system avatar that haven't had their mesh counterpart baked (e.g. using a BOM system skin on your head but an applier skin for your body), or for areas you would like to be hidden on your baked mesh attachment, like your scalp or a section of your mesh body that pokes through your mesh clothing.

#1 my mesh avatar wearing applier skin and a full body alpha along with a BOM layer skin

2.1 [Legacy] remove any alphas that cover areas you would like to bake & be visible, then in the style tab of the Legacy HUD, click the button to the far right, then click apply BOM.

2.2 [Slink] be sure you are wearing the Slink Physique Redux mesh body. when you wear it, you will notice your body is invisible. remove any alphas that cover areas you would like to bake & be visible, then you will see your body.

2.3 [Maitreya] remove any alphas that cover areas you would like to bake & be visible, wear the Maitreya Bakes-On-Mesh relay HUD & click it, then you will see your body correctly.

3. you can see above the Essences BOM system layer skin has now applied to my Slink & Maitreya body (and Catwa head), and below it's applied to my Legacy body! 

4.1 I can remove the Maitreya Bakes-On-Mesh relay now, or the Legacy HUD, my body is ready to start piling up some BOM system layers! as you add tattoo or universal layers (or replace skin layers), they will appear on your mesh automatically. with the ability to apply up to 42 BOM (EDIT: 62) system layers, you can really go crazy. I am going to wear some #ADORED chest tattoos: doghouse rose, good vibes, and earth wind & fire.

4.2 keep in mind, the order you apply your layers does matter, but I will show you how to change the order of your worn layers in the next step.

5.1 I've applied 3 different BOM system layers, but now I'd like to change the layer order without removing everything and starting over. I'm going to right-click my avatar > select edit outfit.

5.2 now that the edit outfit tab is open, I can hover over my BOM system layers and select the arrows that appear to move a layer up or down. whatever is at the top of the layer order list is going to appear as the top layer on the mesh body. 

if you're having trouble with deciding how your layers should be ordered, something to keep in mind is how the elements you are applying would be layered in real life. e.g. skin is on the bottom, followed by freckles, imperfections like zits or wrinkles, then makeup or tattoos, and finally clothing on top.

6. that's it, you are ready to rumble! pile them layers on, sweetie!

since Legacy & Maitreya bodies also have onion layers that accept appliers, you can even wear applier makeups/tattoos/clothing on top of your BOM system skin & other BOM system layers as well. remember, BOM system layers cannot be worn on top of applier skin.

the BOM updated Slink bodies are not BOM & applier cross compatible. you will have to choose if you want to wear only BOM system layers or only applier layers and wear the appropriate version of the Slink body.

once you have followed these steps to enable Bakes-On-Mesh, you can continue swapping skins or adding/removing BOM system layers as you please, without having to wear a BOM relay or other HUD. if at any time, you'd like to switch to wearing appliers only with your body, simply reapply an applier skin, and add your head alpha layer to hide your system body.


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