new eyeshadows & eyebrows from #ADORED for the april catwa powder pack!
buy in world or online. visit the official powder pack website for more information.
• be a little bit sultry, a little bit sparkly with the jewel box edition of najah shadows. features 3 colors (berry, purple & navy) in 4 styles with gold or silver accents.
• shine bright with the diamond dust edition of posh brows, including 8 colors, each dusted with a bit of sparkle!

• hair; clawtooth, nola in flf exclusive color pack
• skin; amara beauty, gianna in tone 06
• eyebrows; #ADORED, posh brows in diamond dust edition (exclusive april 2k19 catwa powder pack)
• eyeshadows; #ADORED, najah shadows in jewel box edition (exclusive april 2k19 catwa powder pack)
• eyelashes; #ADORED, kit lashes
• blush; #ADORED, megawatt highlighter
• lipstick; #ADORED, xtra jucci lips in just peachy edition
• top; pixicat, blush dress in salmon
• earring; yummy, vice hoop in gold