new eyeshadows & eyebrows from #ADORED @ hell's gate! open october 11th - october 31st!
• strut your way into hell with the devilish brows & eyeshadows! brows are available in 5 color editions with 8 colors each. eyeshadows come in 2 color editions with 5 colors each + eyeliner only version in 2 styles (tidy or smudged).
• includes catwa & genus appliers + bakes-on-mesh layers. come try a demo!

• hair; olive, white rabbit in color fades
• head; genus, classic
• skin; soap.berry, gaia skin in minthe
• eyebrows; #ADORED, devilish brows in blackout baby edition (new @ hell's gate)
• eyeshadow; #ADORED, devilish shadows (new @ hell's gate)
• lipstick; #ADORED, xtra jucci lips in gothicc edition
• nail polish; #ADORED, back to black nails
• accessories; insomnia angel/unbreakable vow tiara in noir, lovely disarray/personal jesus crown & collar of thorns, random matter/sindor earrings