there's a new pride themed group gift for all members of the #ADORED HYPE SQUAD! in celebration of the #A/VX anniversary & summertime sale, the group fee has been reduced to L$1 for a limited time. look near the landing point & be sure to wear your #ADORED HYPE SQUAD group tag 🌈✌😘
stop by the #ADORED/VICE X mainstore to get the rainbow body blush, includes 2 mix & match BOM system layers & a full body layer in 3 opacities, the male fit includes a layer for the physics cock!
join the #ADORED HYPE SQUAD group to stay updated on all things #ADORED, get exclusive gifts, participate in random giveaways & chat with other adorable babes about cute stuff (kittens! hot guys/gals! world domination!).
copy & paste into local chat of your second life viewer to join the #ADORED HYPE SQUAD:
*read about what bakes-on-mesh is and learn how to use it in my 2 part article.
